FCRP™ – Registration & Enrolment
Financing & Capital Raising ProfessionalTM (FCRPTM)
Each year, only two intakes with respective deadline:
Course participants are reminded that after deadline, no admission is possible, & you have to enrol for the programme held in forthcoming Semester.
To enrol for FCRP™, you need to register & pay registration fee, valid for three years. If you do not pass the programme within 3 years after registration, register again is needed.

Entry Requirements
(1) 21 years old or above; and
(2) Hold university undergraduate degree, plus 2 years working experiences*, OR with minimum 4 years full-time working experiences*
* Working experiences can be in non-financing & capital raising arenas.
You are kindly reminded The Financing and Capital Raising ProfessionalTM (FCRPTM) Programme is an online pure distance learning course and is not subject to registration requirements in Hong Kong.