FAQs – The FCRP™ Programme
Financing & Capital Raising Professional™ (FCRP™)
Q: How is The FCRP™ Programme different from other professional designations or courses?
High Practicality: Financial & Capital Raising Professional™ (FCRP™) is a highly practical and leading online pure distance learning course based on experiences of executives, finance professionals, bankers, investment bankers, and practitioners of private equity.
Essential Knowledge: Raising funding & financing are fundamental knowledge cos need to have, to both flourish and to survive. As we have witnessed, even hi-tech cos with leading inventions eventually could not survive and became bankrupt, with funding & financing raising was not managed properly being one of the major reasons.
Instructors with Practitioner Experience: Focusing on practicality & relatively high applicability to real business world, so our course participants can benefit. Our instructors have solid practitioner experiences in the subject matter.
Knowledge Highly Applicable to Real Business Setting: As our courses are highly practical, relevant knowledge can already be applied under real business environment, anticipated to help you add value more quickly.
Great Flexibility: Upon completion of FCRP™ programme, if participant want to further studies for our Online FCR MBA, exemptions up to maximum of 4 modules can be granted, subject to exemption requirements, and approval by PTI & our pure distance learning course partners (PDLC Partners).
Expedite Learning: By sharing our senior executives & practitioners experiences of 100+ years in total, you can leverage on our successful & exemplary achievements, saving many years to acquire the hands-on experiences yourself.
Q: What sort of practical knowledge can be obtained from The FCRP™ Programme?
Answer: The FCRP™ Programme encompasses various aspects of financing & capital raising from practical hands-on perspectives.
Entry Requirements
Q: What are entry requirements of The FCRP™ Programme?
(1) The course participant should be at least 21 years old; and
(2) The course participant should either:
(a) Hold an university undergraduate degree, plus 2 years of working experiences, or
(b) Have 4 years of full-time working experiences (which can be non-banking/equity raising related)
Work experience requirement must be attained at time of enrolment for The FCRP™ Programme.
Professional Designation
Q: What professional designation will I get after becoming a FCRP™?
Answer: Upon passing both Foundation & Advanced Levels of FCRP™ & fulfilment of qualification requirements (including working experience etc.), you would be awarded Financing & Capital Raising Professional (FCRP™) qualification by The International Professional Managers’ Association (“IPMA”) of United Kingdom.
Q: What is background of IPMA?
Answer: IPMA is a renowned international examining, and professional body. IPMA’s objectives include providing managers with opportunity to improve managerial performance and effectiveness in areas of business, industry and public administration.
IPMA and in collaboration with various management schools, business schools, universities, institutions, colleges, training centres, and other business partners etc. around the world have organised trainings for CEOs, executive trainings, leadership trainings, specialist trainings, global conferences, international conferences, HR & talent management conferences and other professional trainings in Europe, UK, France, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Middle East, Africa etc.
Reflecting IPMA’s high professional standards and recognition by leading graduate and business schools etc., graduates/students of The Certified International Professional Managers (“CIPM”) Qualifying Examinations are granted direct entry/exemptions* for International Executive MBA, and MBAs as follows:
Group Paris Graduate School of Management, France
- Accepts IPMA’s CIPM graduates for direct entry to International Executive MBA.
- IPMA’s CIPM graduate members will be allowed exemption from 4 subjects of their 10 subject MBA.
IPE Management School Paris, France
- Offers IPMA’s CIPM graduates student entry to Bachelor and Master Degrees.
- IPMA’s CIPM students who complete the Foundation and Intermediate examinations are granted entry to 3rd year of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree
- IPMA’s CIPM students who have completed Professional Level 1 and Level 2 exams of The CIPM Qualifying Examinations would be granted 45 ECTS credits towards their 90 ECTS credit MBA
Examination scheme of The CIPM Qualifying Examinations has been benchmarked by UK NARIC against UK National Quality Framework (NQF) of National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom.
NOTE: Direct entry/exemptions for other programmes are NOT applicable to graduates of /certified FCRP™.
Target Course Participants
Q: If I am owner of private company, would FCRP™ be useful for me?
Answer: It is expected FCRP™ would be useful for cos, no matter for private, listed, or multinational cos.
The course curriculum on how to raise funding from private equity investors, including identification of potential risks and protection of rights for founder would be particularly useful to you.
Bank Financing module of FCRP™ is also anticipated to equip you with highly practical knowledge on how to raise funding from banks.
Q: If I am CFO of a listed company, will FCRP™ be relevant for me?
Answer: Although your co has already listed, it is believed subjects like bank financing, financial & management intelligence for cos would be of use to your company.
Q: What geographical areas are covered under curriculum of The FCRP™ Programme?
The FCRP™ Programme targets at equipping participants with general bank financing & capital raising knowledge. However, The FCRP™ Programme is NOT aim at country- nor geography-specific knowledge, unless explicitly specified for that subject.
Value/Benefits of The FCRP™ Programme
Q: What are anticipated potential benefits /value of FCRP™?
- Enhancing practical knowledge & sharpening your skills in raising various forms of financing;
- Alerting you to the potential caveats and to reduce chance of “hiccups” for raising capital, or financing, and to reduce potential risks;
- Improving your position to help your company capitalise on business opportunities, instead of letting commercially viable business opportunities just pass by due to insufficient funding;
- Potentially helping your co grow by obtaining necessary and suitable type of funding on timely basis;
- Potentially improving your career prospects, if you can apply the practical financing and fund raising knowledge to your co, and help it to grow;
- Broadening your knowledge and horizons in financing & capital raising sectors;
- Saving you many years of accumulating the practical experience yourself directly;
- Distinguishing you from your fellow peers by enhancing your competitive edge in bringing benefits to your company;
- Convenience and study online at your own studying pace, anytime & anywhere;
- Upon fulfilling the qualification requirements, course participants can become certified FCRP™;
- Upon certified as FCRP™, you would become a member of IPMA and receives certificate issued by IPMA of UK etc.
Q: What is Career Expected for a certified FCRP™ ?
Answer: Upon becoming a certified FCRP™, you should have gained essential & highly practical knowledge and skills in financings and capital raising, in better position to develop your career. You will also be better equipped for a more senior position in a company, consulting firm, private equity firm etc.
Enrolment for The FCRP™ Programme
Q: Do I need to register before enroling for The FCRP™ Programme?
Answer: Yes, you need to register for The FCRP™ Programme, before you can enrol. To register, pls. click here for details. For payment of registration fees, pls. click here.
Q: What kind of fees are payable in order to enrol for The FCRP™ Programme?
Answer: You have to pay registration fee and course enrolment fee.
Q: What is the validity period for the registration fee?
Answer: The registration fee is valid for 3 years.
Q: What are the enrolment schedule?
Answer: Each year, online lectures and online tutorials will only be held in January-March and July-September. This should allow participants more ample time to complete assignments, projects, & prepare for open book online exams etc.
Studying / Study Materials
Q: Do I need to purchase study materials?
Answer: Yes, you would need to purchase textbooks. Please note our course fees do NOT include textbooks. Upon enrolment, you can access Suggested Readings List.
Q: What will be the mode of study for FCRP™?
Answer: As FCRP™ is an online pure distance learning course (PDLC), online lectures & live online tutorials would be provided
Q: What will be the venue for the online exam be held?
Answer: It can be held at your home or a room you can ensure privacy during the open-book online exam, but should be completed by the course participant himself or herself. Participants are kindly reminded dishonest behaviour would result in disqualification, & will disallowed to enrol again. Please refer to The FCRP™ Programme Assessment & Online Exam Rules.
The FCRP™ Assessment & Online Exam Rules
Q: Is there any official online exam preparatory course providers for The FCRP™ Programme?
Answer: Currently, IPMA/PTI have not authorised, nor endorsed any training provider to provide training for FCRP™. Course participants have to be careful if any training vendors alleges it is official training provider for The FCRP™ Programme.
Q: How will course participants of The FCRP™ Programme be assessed?
For each module, a participant will be assessed based on:
- 2 Course Reflection Assignments
- 1 open-book Online Exam, OR project
Q: What are objectives of the online exams?
Answer: The online exams would be in the form of case studies, including some case studies published/used by globally reputable management school. Objective is to test participant’s ability to apply the practical knowledge to business scenarios, and to test decision making power.
Q: What is the model of calculators allowed for the online exam?
Answer: There is no restriction on the type or model number for calculators allowed to be used during the FCRP™ open-book online exam.
System Testing
Q: Any system testing needed prior to online exam?
Yes. Prior to taking the online exam, it is participant’s responsibility to test whether their computer and internet network can access our online exam system.
Online Exam Paper Policy
Q: Will my marked answers be returned to me after the online exam?
Answer: Marked answers will NOT be returned to the participant. PTI has rights, at our sole & absolute discretion to determine how records of the marked answers will be maintained or destroyed, without any obligation to inform or to obtain consent of participant. Pls. refer to The FCRP™ Assessment Policy.
Undertakings Declaration Statement (UDS)
Q: What is The Undertakings Declaration Statement (UDS)?
Answer: To maintain high level of standard, integrity, honesty and code of conduct, course participants are required to read, understand and comply with The Undertakings Declaration Statement (The UDS) on an ongoing basis.
The participant undertakings as stipulated in The UDS represent a participant’s commitment to proper conduct, including honesty, no cheating nor misconduct etc., but also adherence to high level of professional and ethical standards. For details of The UDS, pls. click here.
Q: When do I have to submit compliance to The Undertakings Declaration Statement (UDS)?
Answer: The UDS has to be submitted when:
- At the time of enrolment &/or registration of The FCRP™ Programme
- At the time of application for membership with IPMA, UK
- After becoming a member of IPMA, annually
- Any time as required by PTI &/or IPMA
Refund Policy
Q: What is PTI’s refund policy? Is there any situation I can get refund?
Answer: All fees paid (including but not limited to registration fees and enrolment fees) can not be refunded.