Expert Programmes – Assessment

Assessments for EPs are similar as follows:
(1) Courses in Partnership with Simplilearn, Which Is Collaborating with Its Partners
These are EPs of Simplilearn co-developed with Collaborating Partners of Simplilearn, such as IBM, Google Analytics, Facebook Blueprint etc.
(2) Simplilearn’s Courses Collaborating with Professional Bodies
Such courses are usually in alignment with & may prepare you for professional exams of the relevant Professional Body.
Pls. note for professional qualification exam of respective Professional Body, course participant would need to enrol separately and directly with the relevant Professional Body. PTI & Simplilearn do NOT take any responsibility.
Additional exam fees would be charged by the Professional Body.
For both (1) & (2), depending on the course, & subject to fulfilling relevant requirements of the online course, you would be awarded certificate with logos of both Simplilearn and its Collaborating Partners/Professional Body.
Examples of relevant requirements of online course: Attainment of minimum results for quizz(es) /assignment(s)/project(s) etc., minimum attendance for live classes etc. For specific requirements of each online course, pls. read the course description carefully.

For both (1) & (2) EPs, assessment consists of:
- Short quiz at end of each lesson/section, as knowledge check, and
- Assignment(s), &/or
- Practice Project(s), &/or
- Business Project (s) etc.
For both (1) & (2), depending on the course, different certificates may be issued:
- Certificate with logos of both Simplilearn and its Collaborating Partners/Professional Body.
- Separate certificates may be issued, each issued by Simplilearn and its Collaborating Partner respectively.
- Simplilearn’s certificate only.
For each of the online courses in partnership with Simplilearn, assessment may differ. Please read course description in details before enrolling.