ESGE® – Overview
Environmental, Social & Governance Expert (ESGE®)

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ESGE® – The essential international ESG designation for everyone in different industries developed by ESG experts with 20 years ESG experiences.
Environmental, Social & Governance Expert (ESGE®) is a highly practical & relatively comprehensive pure distance learning course (PDLC) & designation in ESG covering key fundamental areas in ESG. ESGE® is suitable for different industries – investment banks, insurance cos, banking, oil & gas, chemical, manufacturing, telecom, electricity, transportation, technology etc.
ESGE® is awarded by International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) of UK with 20+ years history in certifying courses and designations in 8 countries around the world, including China, Singapore, Malaysia etc. In China, IPMA is working with CIIC, ???
How to Qualify as ESGE®?
- 30 hours (6 months’ access) + 6 hours instructor-led online live virtual classes
- 2 Case studies
- Short questions on practical application to your organisation
(1) Upon passing the assessments, you would become & can use the designation certified Environmental, Social & Governance Expert or certified ESGE® awarded by International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) of U.K. You can also join IPMA’s global network
(2) Member of IPMA of UK: After becoming certified ESGE® & meeting other requirements

Uniqueness of & Why ESGE®?
ESG is increasingly impinging upon different aspects of companies, individuals and society. ESG is gaining importance & redefining key success factors for companies and financial institutions. The potential impacts of ESG on businesses are multitude and due to the complexities and inter-connections with various aspects, such as strategies, suppliers, customers, value chain, revenue & costs etc.
ESGE® aims at imparting ESG is a fundamental and relatively comprehensive manner, covering the core topics in ESG.
Due to prevalence and wide-ranging impacts ESG is increasingly casting on various aspects, WITHOUT FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDG IN ESG, A CO OR INIDIVDUAL MAY BE MISSING OUT KEY OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS.
In addition, each co or individual has multiple roles – A cos: Supplier, buyer, investor, employer etc.; For individuals: investors, employees, clients etc. STUDYING ESG ON PIECEMEAL OR BIT & PIECEMEAL BASIS, YOU MAYBE ALSO EXPOSING YOUR CO OR YOURSELF TO UNCESSSARY RISKS & MISSING PROMISSING OPPORTUNITIES.
- Fundamental climate risk knowledge
- Green finance: green investing, nt framework, emission trading including carbon
- ESG potential impacts, risks & opportunities for cos & investors
- Highly practical by ESG experts & practitioners
- Holistic view of core topics of ESG & avoid missing out of any essential knowledge of ESG
- Better able to identify of new investment, product or business opportunities.
- More informed decisions by considering also ESG factors – Both within the Co & along value chain/within
- Managing ESG risks well can give Improved confidence of lenders & investors, conducive to access to capital & loan markets
- Strengthened governance arrangements
- Leveraging on our 20 years of experiences of our instructors in sustainability / ESG
- Course content: International coverage
- International experiences working in 20+ countries
- Join IPMA global network
Who Should Enrol
ESGE® is suitable for basically every company and every individual in different industries, including::
- Executives: Taking ESG & related risks & opportunities, competitive position etc. into consideration in formulating strategies
- Managers: How ESG is affecting their Co’s value chain and operations, e.g. shift in.customer preferences
- Team member: Business processes & workflow may need to change due to ESG
- Investors: Key investment frameworks, ESG investment risk & opportunities, investors’ concerns
- Analysts: How ESG can
- Suppliers: How ESG is casting impact on customers’ purchase behavior & preferences
- Anyone interested in ESG

ESG-related Opportunities – Some Examples
- According to Climate Bond Initiative, green bonds market has quickly expanded to pass USD2trillion by end of Q3 2022, representing 2,300%+ astronomical growth from USD82 billion as per World Economic Forum.
- To make impactful contribution to addressing increasingly alarming climate change, green bonds expectedly need to reach at least USD5 trillion issuance per year from 2025 – Aa further hefty growth of 200%+ in less than 3 years from 2022.
- Gaining proportion of climate finance, e.g. Asian Infrastructure Bank’s climate finance-related investments increased from 41% to 48% of its total approved financing in 2021, which amounted to USD2.9 billion.
- Emission trading would become a relatively new and increasingly common asset class, offering new investment opportunities for investors
- In the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15), The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented pathways with no or limited overshoot of 1.5°C. Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have to drop by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, and to net zero globally by 2050. To comply, Cos would need to make substantial investments – data, reporting, hiring of ESG talents etc.
- For Cos, increased awareness and understanding of climate related risks, opportunities and implications for the Co would result in more informed strategic planning and better risk management.
- For individuals, promising new ESG job opportunities at different levels are expected.
- Improved evaluation of risks and exposures by lenders, insurers and underwriters
- Maintained access to capital and potential lower cost of capital, by enhancing investors’ and lenders’ confidence re the company’s ESG related risks are appropriately assessed and managed
- Greater access to additional sources of finance from investors and lenders interested due to perceived relatively lower ESG risks
Risks – Some Examples
- Changing customers’ preference for environmental-friendliness, and failing to incorporate necessary considerations & actions in business strategies may have serious consequences on its businesses
- Given global net zero GHG emission targets, cos not able to fulfil its responsibilities may have legal or other consequence
- Failing to capture or under-estimate costs arising from EG, which can eventually lead to reduced profits for cos

- Reduced risk of any legal liability which might be faced by companies (and directors) by failing to assess, manage and disclose climate risk in accordance with their duties.
- Without proper management of ESG related issues, insufficient or lack of transparent ESG related disclosure may cause heighted risks of relatively restricted access to investors and capital for cos
- Missing potentially profitable investment opportunities
- Failure of climate change mitigation
- Extreme weather events & natural disasters
- Loss of natural biodiversity & damage to ecosystem
- 1. The ESGE® is an online pure distance learning course and is not subject to registration requirements in HK.
- 2. The ESGE® Programme would NOT cover any country- or region-specific regulations, knowledge, practices etc. regarding financing & capital raising, unless explicitly stated for a particular module / subject.