Master Programmes & Other Online Courses in Partnership with Simplilearn
Each of our Expert Programmes is online pure distance learning course & may lead to awarding of different certificates & qualifications. Pls. read the course description carefully before enrolling, including qualification(s) & award(s), as well as the qualification requirements.

(1) Courses in Partnership with Simplilearn & its Collaborating Partners
In general, upon course completion, & passing required assessment(s) with required attainment achieved, a certificate would be issued by Simplilearn. For some courses Simplilearn collaborating with other Collaborating Partners, the certificate may have logos of both Simplilearn and that particular Collaborating Partner, such as:
- Amazon Web Service (AWS) Learning Partner
- Google Analytics
- Google Ads
- Facebook Blueprint
- Microsoft Azure Learning Partner etc.
However, depending on the course, & subject to fulfilling relevant course completion criteria / certification requirements, different certificates may be issued:
- For some courses, separate certificates may be issued, each issued by Simplilearn and its Collaborating Partner respectively.
- In addition, there are also courses which entitle you to Simplilearn’s certificate only.
(2) Courses in Partnership with Simplilearn, Which Is Collaborating with Professional Bodies
For Simplilearn’s courses collaborating with Professional Bodies, course content is usually in alignment with professional qualification exams, & may prepare course participants for such exam of the Professional Body. Examples:
However, our course fee does NOT include professional qualification exam. Separate enrolment of the professional qualification exam directly by our course participant is required & course participant is solely responsible.